• CaRD America - the SAP experts
    CaRD AT YOUTUBESAP Add-ons and Videos

    Visit our Youtube channel and our Videos with our SAP Add-ons to enhance and optimize your existing SAP landscape and business processes. For more details and webcasts and demos, please do not hesitate to contact us.Channel...

  • SAP PLM Beratung
    SAP™ PLMOverall Knowhow

    Our senior consultants have more than 10 years experience with SAP™ PLM Projects based on engineering change management, product structure management or document management are well known and have been implemented around the world.

  • SAP Consulting
    SAP™ ConsultingTechnical & Business Experts

    Our team will help you to implement best practice solutions around SAP™. We are able to provide best SAP™ solutions in time and in budget.


File archiving with SAP

Easy file archiving with SAP standard features and our Add-ons for Office and SAP. Please contact us for more information. Details.

Scan-Control for SAP

Scan your paper based documents like delivery notes and other documents easily into the SAP archive and link it to the SAP object. Just one single step: easy, efficient, fast. This works for nearly all SAP objects like material master, vendors, sales orders, customers, postings and more. Details...
- Barcode Reader Server
- PDF Merge uvm.

CaRD America inc.

CaRD America Inc. has been founded by Senior Consultants and Senior Developers. A lot of global players trust CaRD America Inc. and the quality which CaRD America Inc. offers. Since 1994 CaRD Project Manager and Consultants have been implemented solutions, data migrations, developments and new processes for more than 100 customers worldwide.

CaRD is SAP™ Service Partner from beginning. More than 100 CaRD resources are supporting our customers today with their projects around SAP. Furthermore we are co-operating with SAP in solution developments, mobile solutions and customer projects.

Sharepoint for SAP

Sharepoint Archive Link

Use your Sharepoint system as backend for your documents
with our ArchiveLink interface for SAP.  Details...


The SAP™ Partner CaRD offers beside of individual customer solutions many different Add-Ons to optimize the functionality of the SAP system. The well known Add-ons like the tools for the Variant Configuration, the PLM Add-ons or the tools for the class system are used by many customers. You can find more information about the tools and the benefits at "solutions".

Are you looking for support?

If you are looking for a developer or a consultant who can support you for a defined timeline and a defined scope, please let us know. We have the experts whith excellent expertise available!
- Senior SAP Developers
- Senior SAP Consultants
- Senior SAP Business Analysts
- Senior SAP Platinum Consultants

- ERP Processes & Modules
- SAP Basis, HANA & BI
- Developments, UI, Interfaces

Add-ons for SAP

We offer additional Add-ons for SAP to enhance your productivity. More details can be found about our Add-ons at http://appstore.card.de/shop/en

Why CaRD?

  • Added value
    CaRD designes best customer solutions based on best practice experiences and offers overall process consulting.

  • Quality and lasting effects
    More than 20 years SAP™ experiences grants developments and proccess designes in time and in budget.

  • Continuity and stability
    More than 100 customers are using CaRD Add-ons and designed individual customer solutions from beginning since today. Our customers trust us.




As SAP™ Service Partner are the CaRD consultans working for international companies around the world.

CaRD is in addition Validated Expertise Partner of SAP™ for PLM projects.

Furthermore we are registered as Microsoft Partner. Details....